Welcome to Jojora
Encouraging a free, natural and playful environment where you can find meaning.
Let’s tell our muppies stories of our incredible, fantastic, imperfect world. Let’s show them all the awesome creatures and flora we live with and how we try to take care of the whole thing. Let’s enjoy their wonder about the big leaves and tiny bugs. About the weird feeling of sand in their mouths. Let’s explain them where our food comes from and what (not) to forage. Cause when we pick blackberries together and show them that little robin in a tree – and éven when we have to fish them out of a puddle – we might realize that these simple moments outdoors, all together, are where we find meaning.
My own mup and minimup love to wander. They take me out and show me the world from their perspective. (Oh and put éverything in their pockets, but hey.) These moments, truly, are what I love the most. My dream is to encourage as many muppies (& grownups with young hearts) as I can to keep wondering and exploring. To playfully be part of nature and to find their own. Then they will grow with confidence and take care of their roots. I believe that’s what our world needs and deserves.
Jo-jora ~ beloved autumn rain